NFIC 2015
About the Project
The New Frontiers in Interventional Cardiology NFIC 2015 consists of international interventional cardiology workshops, which for the sixteenth time took place in Krakow between 25-28 November 2015.
The Conference has for many years been known as one of the main forums in the comprehensive treatment of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Each year, the number of workshop participants is growing, and the event is attended not only by specialists from Europe but also from North America and Asia. The directors of NFIC are renowned Polish cardiologists: Prof. Dariusz Dudek, Head of the II Clinical Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions of the Jagiellonian University Medical College, Prof. Krzysztof Żmudka, Director of the Clinic of Interventional Cardiology at the Jagiellonian University, and Prof. Jacek Legutko - Chairman of the Association of Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society (AISN PTK).
Participants of the workshop have the ability to watch live broadcasts of innovative treatments in the field of interventional cardiology performed in renowned centres in Europe and learn about the latest technologies used in interventional cardiology in Poland and in the world, as well as find out about new guidelines and standards of conduct. NFIC also includes special sessions for young doctors and students. We cooperated with TVP Kraków and other local media, which hosted the workshop directors and was prepared coverage of the workshops. Information about the congress and directors appeared in national media. We acquired patrons and partners, and coordinated the event on-site.